- - After I Began Practicing Falun Dafa, I No Longer Had Miscarriages 2005-05-22
- - New Practitioner: Falun Dafa Saved Our Family 2005-05-11
- - Dafa Benefits Kind-hearted People (Photos) 2005-05-19
- - 85-Year-Old Lady with a 90-Degree Bent Back Stands Straight Again 2005-06-11
- - Little Girl Fully Recovered from Leukemia after Watching Master Li Teach the Exercises on Video and Listening to Fa Lectures 2005-06-15
- - Is it True That "Doing Good is Rewarded with Good and Doing Evil Provokes Retribution?" 2005-06-27
- - Repentant Head of 610 Office Recovers from Severe Liver Disease 2005-05-25
- - A Man Quickly Recovers from a Deadly Car Accident After Repenting for His Wrongdoing 2005-05-26
- - A Non-Practitioner's Good Thoughts toward Dafa Brings Many Benefits 2005-06-01
- - Falun Dafa Saved My Life 2005-06-07
- - My Mother's Eye is Saved 2005-12-16
- - Falun Dafa Saved My Cousin's Life When She Was on the Verge of Death 2005-09-28
- - Virtuous and Honest Deeds Always Bring Good Returns 2005-12-05
- - Stories of Good Deeds Being Rewarded 2005-12-06
- - Falun Dafa Saved My Niece 2005-12-19
- - Cao Bin's Kindness Changes Fate - A Story from Ancient China About the Universal Law of Cause and Effect 2005-08-01
- - My Child Was Miraculously Healed When I Returned to Falun Dafa 2006-01-14
- - The Wonder of Dafa 2006-01-17
- - A Husband Improves After Getting Close to Dafa; a Father Quits the CCP and Is Cured 2006-01-06
- - Protecting Practitioners, Police Officer from Northeast China Receives Blessings 2006-01-08
- - Dafa Saved a Life 2006-02-11
- - A Policeman in Heilongjiang Province Is Rewarded for Treating Falun Gong Practitioners Kindly; a Hebei Police Officer Helps Spread the Truth 2006-01-02
- - Blessings after Learning the Truth 2006-01-01
- - The Divine Power of Falun Dafa 2006-01-28
- - Accounts of Health Recovery at a Village in Shandong Province 2006-02-12