- Walking Out of a Crisis and Becoming More Rational
2008-12-27 — ...She shared her enlightenments after studying the Fa and pointed out my problems.... -
- Walking Out of the Police Station with Righteous Thoughts
2008-09-13 — ...Another thing I regretted was that I didn't send out the "Minghui Weekly" first before I passed out the other Dafa materials.... -
- Walking Out of the Evil's Den with Righteous Thoughts
2009-03-21 — ...What if I can get my hands out?" I held my fingers together, pulled back, and my hands came out. He was stunned.... -
- NASA Senior Engineer Speaks Out Against the Persecution (Photos)
2009-10-17 — ...The policemen completely ripped the tape out. "The tape had all my video recording of that trip.... -
- Pointing out Others' Shortcomings with Compassion and Looking Within
2009-09-21 — ...When you see one, you need to point it out to them. If you don't point it out that is because you have an attachment of fearing to offend others.... -
- Shen Yun Dazzles Sold Out Audience in Houston (Photos)
2009-12-23 — ...The sold-out performance enchanted the audience with its depiction of 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture.... - - Rectifying the Selfishness that Brings Out Boredom and Melancholy 2010-07-01
- Stepping Out of My Home to Save Sentient Beings
2010-07-20 — ...While I was about to finish this article, my fellow practitioner came and we went out to clarify the truth.... -
- Walking Out of a Police Station in Four Hours
2010-08-02 — ...We also wanted to encourage him to cooperate with local practitioners and step out to clarify the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution.... -
- Walking out of the Brainwashing Center Mystifies Local Police
2011-03-31 — ...I stood up and opened the door quietly and walked out.... -
- I Spat Out the Root Cause of My Illness
2011-03-03 — ...It was badly swollen, and I started coughing and spit out something odd.... -
- Grabbing Every Unrighteous Thought and Digging Out Hidden Attachments
2011-06-25 — ...It was out of his good intention that the coordinator asked us to share our experiences, and sharing experiences is also a good thing to do."... -
- Walking Out of the Detention Center with Righteous Thoughts
2011-10-11 — ...The thought of walking out of detention grew strong.... -
- Watch Out for Breeding Demons in One's Own Mind
2011-12-10 — ...I would like to point out here with all due seriousness: don't let your human attachments become overly inflated and get out of hand just because you've done something... -
- Reaching Out across the Taiwan Strait (Photo) (Part 3)
2012-05-08 — ...Sometimes she did not have the strength to go out, and stayed inside, trembling on the sofa.... -
- Inner Mongolian Practitioners Arrested for Giving out Free Calendars
2013-02-22 — ...We will arrest you if you give them out."... -
- Rising Consciousness: Chinese People Speak Out for Falun Gong
2013-06-14 — ...I gave the taxi driver a copy of the 2013 Shen Yun DVD before I got out of the cab.... -
- Falun Gong Pulled Me Out of a Dark Place
2013-07-22 — ...I flipped the pages while I was walking out of my home to return the book.... -
- Falun Gong Stands Out in Vancouver Santa Claus Parade
2017-12-08 — ...Several Chinese spectators called out joyfully, "Falun Gong is coming!" "Their group is so large!" "Great job!"... -
- Improving in Cultivation after My Shortcomings are Pointed Out
2018-08-15 — ...(Zhuan Falun)Wasn't Master using this practitioner's mouth to point out my shortcomings?... - - Passersby in London's Chinatown Find Out About Falun Gong 2018-11-29
- Reaching Out with Compassion to Save a Prison Guard
2018-07-12 — ...When your family finds out the truth, they will realize that you are here to torture good people every day. What will they think of you?... -
- Touching People's Hearts While Giving Out Falun Dafa Calendars
2018-12-28 — ...We said, "Let's wipe out that evil oath!" She said, "Then I quit."... -
- Stepping Beyond Human Principles, and Snapping out of Tribulations
2019-05-21 — ...I suddenly realized that I had stepped out of human thinking.... -
- Recent Mass Arrests Pointed Out Our Need to Improve
2018-12-27 — ...The week before the mass arrests were carried out, the Minghui website reported that officials in Heilongjiang Province were planning a large scale arrest of Dafa...