- Memorizing the Fa Helps Point Out My Fundamental Attachments
2021-08-01 — ...And this was not just the resentment in this lifetime.I kept looking inward trying to find out toward whom I had resentment.... -
- Thoughts about Calling Out to Master at Critical Moments
2021-10-04 — and out freely and the guards could not really stop them.... -
- Developing Compassion and Stepping Out of My Comfortable Environment
2021-12-28 — ...I couldn't believe these words came out of my mouth!... -
- Taiwan: Reaching Out to Tourists from China with Compassion
2021-08-02 — ...She said, "It turned out that Falun Dafa was what I had been searching for."... -
- Shandong Woman Harassed for Her Faith, Neighbors Speak Out
2021-08-02 — ...Upon finding out that Ms.... -
- Walk Out of Humanness and Melt into the Fa
2021-08-19 — ...I want to share my experiences in stepping out of humanness and assimilating to the {{Fa}}.Learning How to Step Out of HumannessI had a good cultivation environment... - - Don't Let Our Inappropriate Behavior Push New Practitioners Out 2021-08-02
- I Walked out of the Police Station With Pride
2021-12-04 — ...I walked out of the police station with pride and thanked Master in my heart.I feel that signing "void" is better than refusing to sign, since the police could fill... -
- Digging Out Jealousy by Persisting in Memorizing the Fa
2022-06-13 — ...I sometimes felt so wronged that I cried out or lost my temper in a big way. However, I did not understand what I was jealous of.... -
- Practitioners' Reminders Point Out Where I Need to Improve
2024-01-06 — ...( After {{Fa}} study about ten years ago when another practitioner pointed out that my hands faced downward when we sent righteous thoughts, I felt as... -
- Falun Dafa Brought Me Out of a Lost State
2022-04-16 — ...However, in the busy human world out there, I am always alternating between cultivating diligently and slacking off in cultivation.... - - Seattle Fahui | Recent Challenges Pointed Out My Cultivation Issues 2023-11-24
- Walking Out of Darkness with My Head Held High
2023-10-26 — ...He was transferred from the training team.At the end of 2020, the prison received orders from the Political and Legal Affairs Committee to carry out the "zero-out... -
- I Walked Out of Sickness Tribulation in Six Weeks
2023-08-30 — ...I broke out in a cold sweat. What a wrong thing I had done! The education system had been pushing for science fiction contests.... -
- Cultivating Dafa Helped Me Out of My Desperate Situation
2022-08-22 — ...I dropped out of school and went home to farm, and hoped to find something else to do.I liked animation very much.... -
- Podcast (Cultivation): "[European Fa Conference] Stepping Out of Humanness"
2022-10-27 — ...course of their cultivation, special items of interest, and music composed and performed by Dafa practitioners.Podcast 895: "[European Fa Conference] Stepping Out... -
- Reaching Out to People With a Dafa Practitioner's Sincerity
2022-06-19 — ...( ) Falun Dafa practitioners in our area often went out to {{clarify the truth}} to people face-to-face after the pandemic hit in early 2020.I teamed... -
- Two Big Dogs Led Us Out of the Mountains
2023-05-27 — ...We asked for help and protection from Master Li to walk out of the forest. Mei said suddenly, "Let's have these two dogs lead us out of the mountains."... -
- My Daughter's Financial Difficulties Pointed Out My Cultivation Issues
2023-06-14 — ...Not only did she not look for a job, she slept all day, did not help out with chores, and played on her cell phone at night.... -
- The Divine Always Leaves a Way Out for Humans
2021-03-06 — ...Is there a safe way out for humankind other than vaccines?Many religions believe that the Creator will take care of man.... -
- My Mother-In-Law Helps Point Out My Resentment
2024-02-16 — ...I gradually did not want to go out with her. I felt her behavior was crude and embarrassing. I sometimes told her, "It's wrong to steal."... -
- Are You Afraid of Pointing Out Other Practitioners' Shortcomings?
2024-03-29 — ...In this case, it can be a great help if someone else points it out for us.... -
- A Tribulation With My Family Pointed Out My Attachments
2024-07-30 — ...I defended myself when they suggested the proper way to hand out flyers.... -
- Belgium: "We have run out of leaflets, but we have mouths!
2001-11-16 — ...We took out the materials we brought and kept giving them out.... -
- Practitioners Benefit When Their Shortcomings Are Pointed Out with Compassion
2005-03-18 — ...Please kindly point out any mistakes. March 7, 2005...