- Discard the Attachment to Fear and Reach Out to Former Practitioners
2013-09-03 — ...My daughter hurried over and helped me smooth out my burnt hair. She urged me to take a shower and to change clothes.... -
- Podcast (Cultivation): [Seattle Fahui] Recent Challenges Pointed Out My Cultivation Issues
2024-01-29 — ...[Seattle Fahui] Recent Challenges Pointed Out My Cultivation Issues2. A Conflict With My Daughter Pointed Out My Stubborn Attachments3.... -
- Reflections on the Article, "Calling Out for Master at Critical Moments"
2022-01-24 — ...The Power of Calling Out to MasterWhy can calling out for Master at a critical moment bring such powerful effects?... -
- Podcast (Cultivation): A Tribulation with My Family Pointed Out My Attachments
2024-10-04 — ...A Tribulation With My Family Pointed Out My Attachments2.... - - Four Shandong Residents Out on Bail, Imprisoned for Practicing Falun Gong 2023-11-05
- Grandmother Given 3.5 Years for Giving Out Materials about Falun Gong
2022-10-07 — ...( A native of Weifang City, Shandong Province was recently ordered to serve 3.5 years in the nearby Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, for giving out informational... -
- Health Benefits of Falun Dafa (Part 1): Lifted Out of Depression
2022-07-10 — ...Out of curiosity, he began to read Zhuan Falun.... -
- Attention Practitioners Who Have Moved Out of China in Recent Years
2022-11-15 — ...( More and more Falun Dafa practitioners have moved out of China in recent years, and they have even outnumbered existing practitioners in other countries... -
- Calling People in China Pointed Out the Seriousness of Cultivating Well
2022-08-05 — ...Through our collective efforts, the other practitioners and I cleared out the interference on the first day.... -
- Texas: Finding Out about Falun Dafa at the Clute Mosquito Festival
2022-08-07 — ...another booth owner asked what "CCP" stood for, a practitioner told her it was an abbreviation for the "Chinese Communist Party" and that it has tried to wipe out... -
- I Found My Attachments, and Walked Out of the Detention Center
2024-03-11 — ...When the prison officers found out, they said that they had a complete set of equipment for force-feeding.... -
- Taiwan Fahui: Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone to Face Challenges
2024-11-05 — ...It turned out that those techniques required years of practice to master.... -
- Really Long Article Title That Stretches Out the Home Page Layout
2024-11-30 — ...I set the clock to wake myself up, and I broke through this issue easily.But I didn't practice the exercises diligently, and the other practitioners pointed out... -
- It's Everyone's Business, No One Gets to Stay Out of It
2025-01-07 — ...With my celestial eye, I once saw an electronic clock counting down, with the number quickly approaching zero.... -
- Xiong Wenqi Walked Out of Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai with Righteous Thoughts
2005-05-04 — ...Xiong Wenqi walked out of Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai with righteous thoughts. Since Mr.... -
- Clarifying the Truth about the CCP out of Compassion, Not Human Thoughts
2005-05-26 — ...If we don't cultivate ourselves well, only putting out efforts in other areas, not only will we not reach Consummation, but also we will do poorly in our great... -
- Gong Qiudong Walks Out of Brainwashing Center Thirty Minutes after Arriving
2005-11-11 — ...Gong smiled at them, and walked out of the gate smoothly.... -
- What Were Tsinghua University Authorities "Checking Out" at the Shandong Women's Prison?
2005-08-08 — ...What were they "checking out"? Were they afraid that this student still believed in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance"?... -
- Resisting Brainwashing, Female Scientist Li Guiqin Had Two Front Teeth Knocked Out
2005-08-23 — ...Li Guiqin and knocked out her front teeth. Ms. Li Guiqin was abducted and taken to Jiamusi Labor Camp on October 30, 2002.... -
- Falun Gong Stands Out in San Diego Big Bay Balloon Parade (Photos)
2006-01-06 — ...The Falun Gong procession stood out among all the parade teams.... -
- There Are No Heroes Among Cultivators: Sorting Out the Situation, Part I
2006-04-23 — ...that her shouting was too loud; if she'd said it in a low voice, it would have been perfectly fine, even for that occasion.One after another media report has come out... -
- Taiwanese Christians Speak Out Against Organ-Harvesting Atrocities in Mainland China (Photos)
2006-08-13 — ...If we don't step out to speak for Falun Gong practitioners today, we will face the same fate some day." Ms. Liao said this news should be widely reported.... -
- I Walked out of the Detention Center With Righteous Thoughts Three Times
2006-05-18 — ...Twelve days later, I walked out of the detention center for the third time.... -
- Northern News (Kirkland Lake, Ontario): Group Speaks Out on Alleged Organ Harvesting
2006-08-17 — ...As well Sun points out that in Canada if you are waiting for an organ it can take a year to find a matching organ but in China one can be found in a week or less... - - Falun Dafa Club Stands Out at Chungkung University Student Club Fair (Photos) 2006-09-29