- Excerpts from My Diary: Falun Dafa Led Me Out of Depression, Anxiety, and Confusion
2019-01-07 — ...Out of curiosity, I asked her what happened.... -
- Chinese Citzens Withdraw from the CCP and Speak Out Against Its Crimes (Part 1)
2019-04-01 — ...Although she was detained for handing out Falun Gong materials, she never gave up the practice.... -
- "Get Zhang Wei Out of the Prison, Or She May Be Beaten to Death"
2019-08-31 — ...Zhang's family to find a way to get her out of the prison soon, or she would be beaten to death there.Ms.... - - Chinese Citizens Withdraw from the CCP and Speak Out Against Its Crimes (Part 2) 2019-09-10
- New Practitioner: My Amazing Experience While Passing Out Truth-Clarifying Newspapers in Hong Kong
2020-07-18 — ...I picked the pieces up and kept handing out newspapers.... -
- We Must Speak Out" - People Encourage Falun Gong Practitioners
2020-08-11 — ...We must speak out. Night will pass. Dawn is coming!"... - - Retired Teacher in Her 70s Given Three Years for Speaking Out about Her Faith 2020-10-28
- Zeng Liwen Reaches Out for Help to Stop the Persecution (Photo)
2014-02-07 — ...They yelled at me to get out. I thought it was a robbery and quickly stepped on the accelerator and sped away.... - - Kaohsiung, Taiwan: Divine Land Marching Band Stands Out at the Lantern Festival Grand Parade 2014-02-17
- Woman's Family Finds Nothing but Roadblocks in Quest to Find Out Her Trial Outcome
2014-11-30 — ...Liu that Xu Hongzhe was out of town on a business trip. But when she turned around, she saw Xu right there!... -
- Breaking Out of His Comfort Zone, an 80-Year-Old Practitioner Joins Group Projects
2015-04-06 — ...We coordinated with each other and had to overcome our notions to achieve what we set out to do.... -
- "Give Me All Your DVDs So I Can Hand Them Out to My Neighbors"
2015-11-18 — ...Give all to me, I will hand them out for you. I have many neighbors."... -
- Judge Tosses Out Prosecution Evidence Obtained by Torture; Woman Remains Detained For Her Faith
2016-11-20 — ...Hu pointed out that, by law, Ms.... -
- Street Vendors Call Out "Falun Dafa Is Good!" Helping a Practitioner to Raise Awareness
2017-02-02 — ...He calls out with a strong, yet kind voice, to get people's attention.... - - Practitioners Reach Out to Chinese Media and Legal Departments after They Defame Falun Dafa 2017-03-01
- Judge Left Speechless After Practitioners Speak Out for True Justice in a Henan Court
2004-07-28 — ...Zhou Yulian (a married couple) and Wang Chunmei from Dougong Village, Neihuang County, in the Anyang region of Henan Province, were arrested while handing out... - - Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada Speaks Out on the Legislation of Article 23 2002-12-14
- Two Practitioners Walk Out of a Trial With Righteous Thoughts: Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province
2003-11-07 — ...That same day, lawless officials started to seek out and arrest these and all other practitioners in Hegang City.... -
- Park Maintenance Worker Protects Dafa Poster; Police Officer Speaks Out of Sense of Justice
2003-12-07 — ...We picked out the most eye-catching poster that we had and hung it up.... -
- A Newer Western Practitioner's Experience Sharing Report: What It Takes to Get Out There
2004-06-06 — ...He offered to hand out half of the fliers so that we could get done faster and go hang out.... -
- Walking Out of the Detention Center with Unwavering Faith in Master and Falun Dafa
2005-02-16 — ...The temperature dropped to minus 10 degrees below zero Celsius with snowstorms.... -
- To Let the World Know the Truth, More Overseas Practitioners Need to Step Out
2000-06-26 — ...Since April 25 of last year, the Chinese governments suppression of Falun Dafa, as well as rumors and slander, have been blotting out the earth and the sky; and... -
- Kind-Hearted People, We Invite You to Find Out the Truth about Falun Gong
2000-07-30 — ...this sort of thing.Instead, in many of his lectures, he emphasized repeatedly that only cults keep advocating doomsday theories about the end of world.CCTV cut out... -
- The Secret is out: Henan Provincial Government is behind the "Tiananmen Self-Immolation" Incident
2001-02-03 — ...These "volunteers" did not know that the promise of "putting out the fire as soon as it starts" was only made by the local officials.... -
- Stresses Need for UN to Speak out on China's Human Rights Record
2001-03-22 — ..."It's important that we, the members of the Commission, speak out on that record," he said. [...]