- Turned Out Into the Cold: The Situation of Children Orphaned as a Result of the Persecution of Falun Gong (Photos)
2005-01-17 — ...The "Universal Declarations of Human Rights," passed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, acknowledged the need to assure special care and assistance... -
- Validating the Fa and Saving Sentient Beings While in Detention
2024-04-19 — ...I memorized their names in order and recited them over and over again until I had a chance to relay the list to a practitioner who helped post the declarations on... -
- 20th Anniversary Fa Teaching
2012-05-29 — ...This is "leaving one side of the net open" amidst the serious, solemn Fa-rectification: in the people-saving process, those who are up to par will pass, while those... -
- Don't Waste Time Craving Fish by the River, Go Back Home and Start Weaving the Fish Net
2005-12-01 — ...Through Fa study and sharing, he realized he had taken a tortuous path and agreed to write a solemn declaration.... -
- Walk the Path of Cultivation With a Pure Mind - Part I
2005-11-30 — ...Having gone through so many changes so that the grand wish is fulfilled The years and months pass by in a single thought (Provisional translation of "Solemn Vow... -
- Mothers and Infants Subjected to Disastrous Tragedy throughout China: A Comprehensive Report (Photos)
2006-02-16 — ...She went to the government office and wrote a solemn statement saying that she would continue to practice Falun Gong.... -
- Letting Go of Attachments and Saving Sentient Beings While Clarifying the Truth Face-to-Face
2006-10-04 — ...I remember when we used this small amplifier for the first time to broadcast the Solemn Declaration from The Epoch Times.... -
- Cherishing this Cultivation Opportunity - Returning to One's True Home
2007-09-08 — ...I published a solemn declaration on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website nullifying what I had said and done.... -
- The Cultivation Story of Buddha Milarepa (Part 6)
2018-10-14 — ...By following the dharma, I will devote myself to the solemn Pure Land as my offering to you.'"I then sang another song."... -
- Choice (Part 1)
2004-03-02 — ...More than 80 fellow practitioners attended the conference and talked freely about their experiences in a solemn and peaceful atmosphere.... -
- Shanghai National Security Bureau Uses Deceptive Ploys and Psychological Warfare -- Taiwanese Practitioner Mr. Lin Hsiao-kai Exposes How the Shanghai National Security Bureau Illegally Entrapped Him, Extracted a Confession and Attempted to Persuade Him to Become a Spy
2004-01-11 — ...Dafa is majestic and solemn. We will not tolerate the beings who persecute Dafa and all sentient beings.... -
- A Former Judge's Experience at Nanmusi Women's Labor Camp, Sichuan Province
2005-02-04 — ...Later, my mind became clear, and I published a "solemn declaration" on Minghui (Chinese version of -
- Latest News from China - 6/15/2001
2001-06-28 — ...Hu's wife, He Xiufen left home to verify Dafa after publishing her solemn declaration.... -
- Experiencing the Power of Dafa While Improving as a Whole
2003-01-26 — ...The magnificent and solemn scene was thus soul-stirring, even in this dimension. This also greatly eliminated the evils across layers of other dimensions.... -
- Cases of Persecution of Tsinghua University Students for Persisting in Their Belief in Falun Dafa
2004-02-21 — ...After she was released from prison, she published a solemn declaration on Minghui expressing her steadfast faith in continuing to practice Falun Dafa.... -
- Confirmed Between January and March 2022: 44 Falun Gong Practitioners Lost Their Lives to the Persecution
2022-04-11 — ...He later regretted it and wrote a solemn statement, nullifying the statement, after which he was put in solitary confinement for fourteen days.After Mr.... -
- [European Fa Conference] Helping Shen Yun Performances in Different European Cities
2022-09-24 — ...It was very solemn. When I put it on, I felt that I was in a new circumstance and given a new role, and I was open to learning a new job.... -
- First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp (Part 4)
2007-02-17 — ...I soon calmed down, but the solemn and strong feeling to face death unflinchingly rose again inside me.... -
- Practitioner Ms. Su Baoli Recounts 18 Unconstitutional Detentions
2006-02-27 — ...I tried to ignore the pain and said to them in a solemn voice, "You are persecuting good people against your conscience in order to get promotions and to further... -
- Returning to Falun Dafa and Tempering Myself to Become "True Gold"
2006-11-28 — ...So I published a solemn statement of restarting cultivation right away. At that time, I often thought that I was a grain of sand, ready to be eliminated.... -
- Rescued from Hopeless Misery after Practicing Falun Dafa
2008-12-18 — ...I had a dream that I was sitting cross-legged and looked solemn and dignified. Then I levitated and flew very high.... -
- Validating the Power of the Fa While Truly Cultivating
2009-12-01 — ...When I finally enlightened that it was not what a practitioner should do, I wrote a solemn declaration and asked fellow practitioner in Guangzhou to help me publish... -
- Raising Our Level When We Do the Three Things Well
2009-11-27 — ...From then on, I experienced that Dafa could save people, but it is also very solemn. When it comes down to a certain point, what has to happen happens.... -
- Coordinating Regional Fa-Rectification Activities With Teacher's Protection
2010-11-26 — ...He wrote a solemn declaration and currently does the three things Teacher asks of practitioners.... -
- The Cultivation Story of a Presiding Judge in China
2010-12-06 — ...It can be solemn, relaxing, and joyous at the same time. I would like to share my humble cultivation insights with Teacher and fellow Falun Gong practitioners....