- Deny the "Zero Out" Campaign
2021-05-29 — ...I felt Master was encouraging me to "zero out" the evil. For many years, I had protested the persecution while acknowledging it. But, I did not realize this.... -
- The Futile "Zero-Out" Campaign
2021-08-22 — ...( The most recent "Zero-Out" campaign carried out by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has mobilized both police and residential committees to harass... -
- China's Zero-COVID Policy vs. Its "Zero-Out" Campaign Against Falun Gong
2022-06-18 — ...was no surprise to those who know the Chinese Communist Party for what it is.The Little Known "Zero-Out" Campaign Against Falun GongOver the past 23 years, a similar... -
- How Communist Party Officials Carry Out the "Zero-out Campaign"
2021-04-05 — ...( The so-called "Zero-out Campaign" has been going on since last year.... -
- "Zero-Out" Campaign vs. Saving Sentient Beings
2021-01-06 — ...this "Zero-Out" campaign.... -
- Being Alert to the "Zero-Out" Campaign
2020-12-31 — ...( I didn't pay much attention to the "zero-out" campaign when Minghui first reported on it earlier this year, knowing that whatever the evil Chinese... -
- Seeing Through the "Zero-Out" Harassment Campaign
2021-01-19 — ...( The current nationwide "zero-out" campaign has created huge pressure for many Falun Gong practitioners in China.... -
- Different Attitudes Towards the "Zero-out" Campaign
2021-03-26 — ..."zero-out" campaign know that it is merely going through the motions.... -
- The Deceit of the "Zero-Out" Campaign
2021-05-10 — ...IV)We cannot acknowledge the so called "zero-out" campaign by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party).... -
- Counteracting the "Zero-Out" Campaign with Altruism
2021-07-08 — ...( I understand that the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) "zero-out" campaign in mainland China is the old forces' persecution of practitioners who they... -
- Looking Inward During the "Zero-Out" Campaign
2022-08-16 — ...( After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the "Zero-Out" Campaign against Falun Dafa practitioners, the {{610 Office}} mailed me a set of documents... -
- Assuring that the "Zero-Out" Activities Truly Are Being Zeroed Out
2021-07-01 — ...( For the past more than a year, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has changed its way to carry out the so-called "Zero-Out" activities aiming to force... -
- Isn't It Time to Zero-Out Our Attachments?
2020-10-30 — ...Instead of being afraid, we can use this to "zero-out" our human attachments, to {{clarify the truth}} to people who still don't understand the facts and zero-out... -
- Treating the "Zero-Out" Campaign With Righteous Thoughts
2021-01-05 — ...( The Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) "zero-out" campaign is a concerted effort by the Central government to get all levels of the security apparatus... -
- "Zero-Out" Is Arranged by the Old Forces
2021-06-24 — ...The "zero-out" campaign is not an isolated case nor launched only in a certain region.... -
- How the "Zero-out" Harassment Ended in Vain
2021-10-21 — ...I was inevitably targeted by the recent nationwide "Zero-out" campaign.What exactly is the "Zero-out" campaign?... -
- Negating the "Zero-Out" Campaign With Righteous Thoughts
2021-08-31 — ...We call it 'zero-out'."I said, "It's not okay. I am very proud of practicing Falun Dafa. The zero-out is a stupid way and a failure."... -
- Looking Inward to Dismantle the "Zero-out" Campaign
2021-09-01 — ...The "Zero-out" campaign, a concerted effort to try to make every Dafa practitioner on the government's blacklist renounce their faith, amounts to harassment of Dafa... -
- "Zero-Out" Campaign in Wuhan City, Hubei Province
2021-07-24 — ...( The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s "Zero-Out Campaign," started in early 2020, is a concerted effort aiming to force every Falun Gong practitioner... -
- The "Zero-Out" Campaign in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province
2020-08-13 — ...( Since April 2020, the Political and Legal Affairs Committee (PLAC) in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province has been carrying out a new "zero-out"... -
- The "Zero-Out" Campaign May Be a Crucial Test
2020-11-02 — ...This "Zero-out" campaign may be a means to weed people out. We have to choose whether we are sand or gold.Practitioners study the Fa and know the principles.... -
- Don't Give in to the CCP's "Zero-Out" Campaign
2021-03-06 — ...I believe that as long as we have the determination, this so-called "zero-out" persecution will no longer exist.... -
- Eliminate the Bad Elements Behind the "Zero Out" Campaign
2020-12-05 — ...( As the end of the year approaches, the "Zero Out" campaign has become more intense.... -
- Denying the CCP's "Zero-Out" Campaign With Righteous Thoughts
2021-04-20 — ...You should know what 'Zero-Out' means."I took the statements my daughter wrote and tore them up immediately.... -
- Eliminating the Zero-out Campaign with a Righteous Mindset
2021-06-17 — ...( Recently many practitioners in my area have been harassed by law enforcement as a part of the "zero-out" campaign....